Dear Kings and Queens,
another year, another Throne Room Level! Please find the exact details of the new upgrades here:

Throne Room Level 15 → 16
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Cost: 22 million Gold

Treasure Chamber Level 18 → 19
- Prerequisite Castle Gate 27
- Gold storage capacity from 22 million → 24 million gold
- Protected Gold 4,5 million → 5 million
- Cost: 22 million Gold

Silo Level 22 → 23
- Prerequisite TRL16
- Food storage capacity 2000 → 2200
- Cost: 20 million Gold

Troop Academy Level 16 → 17
- Prerequisite TRL16
- Unlocks new Level for every Troop
- Cost: 20 million Gold

Taverns Level 23 → 24
- Prerequisite TRL16
- Gold Storage Capacity 1,1 million → 1,2 million
- Gold Production per hour 22000 → 24000
- Cost: 14 million Gold

Farms Level 23 → 24
- Prerequisite Silo Level 21
- Food Storage Capacity 500 → 550
- Food Production per hour 130 → 135
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Wizard Tower Level 16 → 17
- Prerequisite TRL16
- Unlocks new Levels for all Spells
- Cost: 22 million Gold

Inventor’s Workshop Level 16 → 17
- Prerequisite TRL15 (same as for Level 16)
- Unlocks new TRL 16
- Unlocks new Blueprints for all Towers and Obstacles
- Cost: 22 million Gold

Castle Gate Level 28 → 29
- Prerequisite TRL16
- Unlocks +2 Path Tiles
- Unlocks +1 Obstacle
- Unlocks +1 Tower
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Castle Guard Level 16 → 17
- Prerequisite TRL16
- Time between Waves 12sec → 11sec
- Unlocks new Levels for all Defense Waves
- Cost: 22 million Gold

Alliance Tower Level 18 → 19
- Prerequisite TRL16
- Daily Alliance Gold Donation 2,25 million → 2,5 million
- Insta Troop slots 10 → 11
- Rune Dust Donation limit 12000 → 14000
- Cost: 16000 Gems

Blacksmith Level 18 → 19
- Prerequisite TRL16
- Meltdown Duration 436s → 432s
- Additional Runes Production from all Rune Production Slots 8 → 9
- Daily Rune Chest for Gold 2250000 → 2500000 Gold
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Pal Farm
- Activated Pal Farm Construction Plan Level 2 Alliance Crafting Recipe
- Unlocks Pal Farm Levels 4-6
- Cost: 2000 Gems & 20000 Pal Treats
Pal Farm Level 3 → 4
- Prerequisite Pal Farm Construction Plan Level 2
- Increases Cookie Production per Hour from 15 to 20
- Increases Cookie Storage from 360 to 480
- Cost: 10 million Gold
Pal Farm Level 4 → 5
- Prerequisite Pal Farm Construction Plan Level 2
- Increases Cookie Production per Hour from 20 to 25
- Increases Cookie Storage from 480 to 600
- Increases Pal Training Slots from 2 to 3
- Cost: 14 million Gold
Pal Farm Level 4 → 5
- Prerequisite Pal Farm Construction Plan Level 2
- Increases Cookie Production per Hour from 25 to 30
- Increases Cookie Storage from 600 to 720
- Cost: 18 million Gold

Knight Level 19 → 20
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 3480 to 4090
- Increases Normal Damage from 762 to 892
- Increases HP from 3960 to 4650
- Increases XP gained from 575 to 719
- Increases Normal Damage from 772 to 903

Archer Level 18 → 19
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 4240 to 5090
- Increases Piercing Damage from 1920 to 2270
- Increases HP from 4410 to 5200
- Increases XP gained from 869 to 1086
- Increases Piercing Damage from 1635 to 1929

Paladin Level 17 → 18
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 8640 to 10280
- Increases Blunt Damage from 792 to 942
- Increases HP from 12680 to 15090
- Increases XP gained from 916 to 1145
- Increases Blunt Damage from 887 to 1056

Froster Level 17 → 18
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 5050 to 6310
- Increases Ice Damage from 674 to 809
- Increases HP from 7020 to 9130
- Increases XP gained from 1079 to 1295
- Increases Ice Damage from 883 to 1121

Cannon Level 14 → 15
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 6940 to 8330
- Increases Blunt Damage from 4948 to 5641
- Increases HP from 6940 to 8330
- Increases XP gained from 1233 to 1541
- Increases Blunt Damage from 4948 to 5641

Pyromancer Level 15 → 16
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 8660 to 9870
- Increases Fire Instant Damage from 311 to 355
- Increases Fire Damage over time from 639 to 728
- Increases HP from 8800 to 10030
- Increases XP gained from 1219 to 1524
- Increases Fire Instant Damage from 161 to 184
- Increases Fire Damage over time from 375 to 428

Arblaster Level 13 → 14
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 4790 to 5460
- Increases Piercing Damage from 499 to 569
- Increases HP from 3550 to 4050
- Increases XP gained from 1219 to 1524
- Increases Piercing Damage from 323 to 368

Mortar Level 13 → 14
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 18500 to 22200
- Increases Poison Damage over time from 3151 to 3529
- Increases HP from 7370 to 8110
- Increases XP gained from 1541 to 1926
- Increases Poison Damage over time from 2485 to 2734

Monk Level 10 → 11
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 17590 to 19350
- Increases Normal Damage from 1431 to 1574
- Increases Heal over time from 4398 to 4838
- Increases HP from 27410 to 30150
- Increases XP gained from 1873 to 2294
- Increases Normal Damage from 1521 to 1673
- Increases Heal over time from 8223 to 9045

Necromancer Level 8 → 9
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 12270 to 14720
- Increases Normal Damage from 3218 to 3701
- Increases summoned Skeleton amount from 8 to 9
- Increases Lightning Damage from 19300 to 22195
- Increases Lightning Branches amount from 8 to 9
- Increases Lightning Branch Range from 2 to 2.5
- Increases Lightning Shock Duration from 2 to 2.5 sec
- Increases HP from 40490 to 44540
- Increases XP gained from 3855 to 5783
- Increases Normal Damage from 3218 to 3540
- Increases summoned Skeleton amount from 7 to 8
- Increases Lightning Damage from 10119 to 11637
- Increases Lightning Branches amount from 6 to 7
- Increases Lightning Branch Range from 2 to 2.5
- Increases Lightning Shock Duration from 2 to 2.5 sec
Skeleton Level 8 → 9
- Not upgradeable by player, summoned by Necromancer
- Increases HP from 2300 to 2530
- Increases Normal Damage from 2696 to 2966
- Increases HP from 9200 to 10120
- Increases XP gained from 180 to 270
- Increases Normal Damage from 3281 to 3609

Viking Level 7 – 8
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 29480 to 34640
- Increases Blunt Damage from 4617 to 5402
- Inreases Shield Bash Damage from 6154 to 7200
- Increases HP from 47340 to 53970
- Increases Blunt Damage from 8691 to 10429
- Increases Shield Bash Damage from 7696 to 9235

Cultist Level 9 → 10
- Prerequisite Troop Academy 17
- Cost: 24 million Gold
- Increases HP from 18560 to 22270
- Increases Piercing Damage from 5201 to 6241
- Increases Evil Eye Chance from 32% to 34%
- Increases Evil Eye Damage over time from 29367 to 38177
- Increases Evil Eye Duration from 4 to 4.25 sec
- Increases Evil Eye Explosion HP Fraction Damage from 34% to 38%
- Increases HP from 18560 to 22270
- Increases XP gained from 2052 to 3078
- Increases Piercing Damage from 5201 to 6241
- Increases Evil Eye Chance from 32% to 34%
- Increases Evil Eye Damage over time from 29367 to 38177
- Increases Evil Eye Duration from 4 to 4.25 sec
- Increases Evil Eye Explosion HP Fraction Damage from 30% to 34%

Hammerstrike Level 24 → 25
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Blunt Damage from 27200 to 31281
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Toxic Cloud Level 21 → 22
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Poison Damage from 9789 to 11991
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Stun Level 19 → 20
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Decreases Cooldown from 15 to 14.5 sec
- Increases Stun Range from 6.6 to 6.8
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Firestorm Level 21 → 22
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Fire Damage from 10802 to 12962
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Swordrain Level 18 → 19
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Piercing Damage from 11869 to 14718
- Decreases Cooldown from 10.25 to 10 sec
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Heal Level 19 → 20
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Healing Power from 25445 to 31043
- Decreases Cooldown from 11.5 to 11 sec
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Blizzard Level 19 → 20
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Ice Damage from 8124 to 9911
- Decreases Cooldown from 9.5 to 9 sec
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Shield Level 17 → 18
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Shield HP from 10970 to 13603
- Decreases Cooldown from 11.5 to 11 sec
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Bladestorm Level 16 → 17
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Normal Damage from 11330 to 13880
- Decreases Cooldown from 10 to 9.5 sec
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Sonic Blast Level 14 → 15
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Blunt Damage from 23552 to 29440
- Decreases Cooldown from 13 to 12.5 sec
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Black Magic Level 10 → 11
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Normal Damage from 950 to 1235
- Decreases Cooldown from 17 to 16 sec
- Increases Morale Pool fom 60 to 65
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Pal Flute Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Transformation Duration from 7.5 to 8sec
- Decreases Cooldown from 19 to 18 sec
- Increases Battlecry Duration from 3.71 to 3.9sec
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Earthquake Level 9 → 10
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Blunt Damage from 23154 to 33573
- Decreases Cooldown from 15.5 to 15 sec
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Balllightning Level 8 → 9
- Prerequisite Wizard’s Tower 17
- Increases Ball Lightning Damage from 5646 to 8187
- Increases Ball Duration from 5.8 to 6.2 sec
- Decreases Cooldown from 13.5 to 13 sec
- Decreases Ball Travel Speed from 2.1 to 1.96
- Increases Lightning Bolt Damage from 3723 to 4840
- Increases Lightning Bolt Shock Duration from 2.65 to 2.8 sec
- Increases Lightning Bolt Branching Distance from 4.9 to 5.1
- Increases Lightning Bolt Branches from 6 to 7
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Barricade Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Barricade Levels 25 & 26
- Cost: 2 million Gold
Barricade Level 24 → 25
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 40080 to 45690
- Increases XP gained from 4430 to 5250
- Cost: 22 million Gold
Barricade Level 25 → 26
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 45690 to 52090
- Increases XP gained from 5250 to 6220
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Arrow Tower Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Arrow Tower Levels 24 & 25
- Cost: 3.5 million Gold
Arrow Tower Level 23 → 24
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 52350 to 60730
- Increases XP gained from 10860 to 13580
- Increases Attack Rate from 1.75 to 1.8
- Increases Piercing Damage from 981 to 1153
- Cost: 24 million Gold
Arrow Tower Level 24 → 25
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 60730 to 70450
- Increases XP gained from 13580 to 16980
- Increases Attack Rate from 1.8 to 1.85
- Increases Piercing Damage from 1153 to 1355
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Spikes Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Spikes Levels 25 & 26
- Cost: 3.5 million Gold
Spikes Level 24 → 25
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 41730 to 49550
- Increases Damage from 2990 to 3887
- Increases XP gained from 5540 to 6930
- Cost: 22 million Gold
Spikes Level 25 → 26
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 49550 to 58840
- Increases Damage from 3887 to 5053
- Increases XP gained from 6930 to 8660
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Bomb Tower Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Bomb Tower Levels 24 & 25
- Cost: 4 million Gold
Bomb Tower Level 23 → 24
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 51525 to 60220
- Increases XP gained from 13100 to 16380
- Increases Blunt Damage from 4440 to 5220
- Cost: 24 million Gold
Bomb Tower Level 24 → 25
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 60220 to 70760
- Increases XP gained from 16380 to 20480
- Increases Blunt Damage from 5220 to 6130
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Frost Tower Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Frost Tower Levels 24 & 25
- Cost: 4.5 million Gold
Frost Tower Level 23 → 24
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 52170 to 60520
- Increases XP gained from 10860 to 13580
- Increases Ice Damage over time from 1459 to 1926
- Increases Slow Duration from 5.25 to 5.5 sec
- Cost: 24 million Gold
Frost Tower Level 24 → 25
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 60520 to 70200
- Increases XP gained from 13580 to 16980
- Increases Ice Damage over time from 1926 to 2542
- Increases Slow Duration from 5.5 to 5.75 sec
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Blockade Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Frost Tower Levels 24 & 25
- Cost: 4.5 million Gold
Blockade Level 23 → 24
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 81800 to 94070
- Increases XP gained from 8060 to 10080
Blockade Level 24 → 25
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 94070 to 108180
- Increases XP gained from 10080 to 12600
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Gargoyle Tower Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Gargoyle Tower Levels 22 & 23
- Cost: 7 million Gold
Gargoyle Tower Level 21 → 22
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 54780 to 63000
- Increases XP gained from 11670 to 13420
- Increases Fire Damage over time from 576 to 726
- Cost: 24 million Gold
Gargoyle Tower Level 21 → 22
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 63000 to 72450
- Increases XP gained from 13420 to 15430
- Increases Fire Damage over time from 726 to 915
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Firebolt Tower Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Firebolt Tower Levels 22 & 23
- Cost: 14 million Gold
Firebolt Tower Level 21 → 22
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 70060 to 78470
- Increases XP gained from 14730 to 17380
- Increases Instant Fire Damage from 1102 to 1256
- Increases Fire Damage over time from 594 to 677
- Cost: 24 million Gold
Firebolt Tower Level 22 → 23
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 78470 to 87890
- Increases XP gained from 17380 to 20510
- Increases Instant Fire Damage from 1256 to 1432
- Increases Fire Damage over time from 677 to 772
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Snake Tower Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Snake Tower Levels 22 & 23
- Cost: 11 million Gold
Snake Tower Level 21 → 22
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 72651 to 83549
- Increases XP gained from 13410 to 15420
- Increases Poison Damage over time from 847 to 974
- Increases Poison Rate from 367 to 440
- Cost: 24 million Gold
Snake Tower Level 22 → 23
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 83549 to 96081
- Increases XP gained from 15420 to 17730
- Increases Poison Damage over time from 974 to 1120
- Increases Poison Rate from 440 to 528
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Skull Tower Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Skull Tower Levels 21 & 22
- Cost: 14 million Gold
Skull Tower Level 20 → 21
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 67351 to 77454
- Increases XP gained from 16390 to 19670
- Increases Blunt Damage from 3626 to 4170
- Cost: 24 million Gold
Skull Tower Level 21 → 22
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 77454 to 89072
- Increases XP gained from 19670 to 23600
- Increases Blunt Damage from 4170 to 4796
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Lightning Tower Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Lightning Tower Levels 15 & 16
- Cost: 16 million Gold
Lightning Tower Level 14 → 15
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 55090 to 63350
- Increases XP gained from 16180 to 19420
- Increases Lightning Damage from 2995 to 3594
- Increases Lightning Branches from 10 to 12
- Increases Lightning Branch Distance from 4 to 4.25
- Increases Charges from 3 to 4
- Cost: 24 million Gold
Lightning Tower Level 15 → 16
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 63350 to 72850
- Increases XP gained from 19420 to 23300
- Increases Lightning Damage from 3594 to 4313
- Increases Lightning Branches from 12 to 14
- Increases Lightning Branch Distance from 4.25 to 4.5
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Heal Tower Construction Plan Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Heal Tower Levels 15 & 16
- Cost: 16 million Gold
Heal Tower Level 14 → 15
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 72160 to 79380
- Increases XP gained from 15280 to 17570
- Increases Attack Rate from 0.34 to 0.36
- Increases Heal over time from 5892 to 6481
- Cost: 24 million Gold
Heal Tower Level 15 → 16
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 8
- Increases HP from 79380 to 87230
- Increases XP gained from 17570 to 20210
- Increases Attack Rate from 0.36 to 0.38
- Increases Heal over time from 6481 to 7129
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Jesterbox Construction Plan Level 6 → 7
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Jesterbox Levels 12 & 13
- Cost: 16 million Gold
Jesterbox Level 11 → 12
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 7
- Increases HP from 32660 to 35930
- Increases XP gained from 4060 to 5080
- Increases Blunt Damage from 13375 to 14713
- Cost: 23 million Gold
Jesterbox Level 12 → 13
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 7
- Increases HP from 35930 to 39520
- Increases XP gained from 5080 to 6350
- Increases Blunt Damage from 14713 to 16184
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Basilisk Tower Construction Plan Level 5 → 6
- Prerequisite Inventor’s Workshop 17
- Unlocks new Basilisk Tower Levels 8 & 9
- Cost: 24 million Gold
Basilisk Tower Level 7 → 8
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 6
- Increases HP from 64330 to 70760
- Increases XP gained from 16610 to 22420
- Increases Normal Damage from 9898 to 10888
- Cost: 24 million Gold
Basilisk Tower Level 8 → 9
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 6
- Increases HP from 70760 to 77840
- Increases XP gained from 22420 to 30270
- Increases Normal Damage from 10888 to 11977
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Pennant Tower Construction Plan Level 3 → 4
- Prerequisite Alliance Tower 19
- Unlocks new Pennant Tower Level 5
- Cost: 20 million Gold
Pennant Tower Level 4 → 5
- Prerequisite: Construction Plan Level 6
- Increases affected Tiles from 4 to 5
- Increases Active Pennant Tower Boosts limit from 4 to 5
- Passive HP Increase from 8% to 9%
- Passive Damage Increase from 8% to 9%
- Passive Attack Rate Increase from 8% to 9%
- Cost: 24 million Gold

Castle Gate Level 28 → 29
- Prerequisite: Throne Room Level 16
- Increases HP from 356690 to 445860
- Increases XP gained from 57260 to
- Increases Attack Rate from 1.6 to 1.8
- Increases Piercing Damage from 2590 to 3367
- Cost: 24 million Gold