👻 Prepare for a Spine-Chilling Halloween Spectacle! 👻
Greetings, courageous rulers of the realm! We are venturing into the heart of the Halloween season, and the treats we have in store for you will send shivers down your spine!
🔥 Prepare for the Second Blacksmith Meltdown 🔥
Brace yourselves for a rare event—a second Blacksmith Meltdown in the same month! The forge shall blaze with an infernal intensity, melting your items with fearsome strength.
🔮 Conquest Enchantment: More Pearls, More Magic 🔮
In the spirit of the season, we’ve enchanted our Conquest lands with increased Pearl Mines and Magic Fonts. Harness the mystical energies and collect an abundance of pearls and magic to strengthen your dominion! Venture into Conquest and seize the haunted riches that await.
🎃 Sneak Peek: An Eerie Balancing Live Server Update 🎃
We’re lurking in the shadows, concocting a chilling balancing update. Brace yourselves for a ghastly adjustment that will send ripples through the kingdom! Stay tuned for spine-chilling details in the near future.
We wish you thrillingly enjoyable festivities, teeming with both shivers and treats!
Your Royally Revolting 2 – Team of the Macabre 💀