Dear Kings and Queens,

our new Version 10.4.0 is out with some new features, more balancing changes, and polishing!

Here’s what’s new:


G-5000 joins his Guardian friends and receives a dungeon with amazing rewards to win!


New Tiles can be conquered and collected during Conquest: Gem Mines and Pile of Chests!


Generic Runes can now be applied to a single object in more Rune Slots than one! This applies to Hero Items, Units, Obstacles and Spells.


  • Froster:
    Streamlined and increased Damage and HP scaling on all Unit levels.
    TLDR: More Damage and HP on all levels, especially with the Winter Wraith Elite Boost!
    • Offense: +22% HP and Dmg per level up on all levels. Resulting in up to +39% HP and +65% Dmg on maximum level 18.
    • Defense: +22% HP and Dmg per level up on all levels. Resulting in almost similar HP values and up to +19% Dmg on maximum level 18.
    • These changes also impact and increase Forging values
  • Winter Wraith Elite Boost:
    • Increased HP scaling by +10% all Boost levels
      • From +20% to +30% HP
      • From +30% to +40% HP
      • From +40% to +50% HP
      • From +50% to +60% HP
      • From +60% to +70% HP
      • From +70% to +80% HP
    • Increased Damage scaling all Boost levels
      • From +20% to +25% Ice Damage
      • From +30% to +40% Ice Damage
      • From +40% to +55% Ice Damage
      • From +50% to +70% Ice Damage
      • From +60% to +85% Ice Damage
      • From +70% to +100% Ice Damage
  • Pyromancer:
    Streamlined and increased Damage and HP scaling on all Unit levels.
    TLDR: More Damage and HP on almost all levels, especially on higher levels!
    • Offense: +18% HP and +22% Dmg per level up on all levels
      • Resulting in slightly less HP on early levels but up to +35% HP on maximum level 16
      • Resulting in slightly less Dmg on early levels but up to +163% Dmg on maximum level 16
    • Defense: +18% HP and +22% Dmg per level up on all levels
      • Resulting in slightly less HP on early levels but up to +33% HP on maximum level 16
      • Resulting in up to +139% Dmg on maximum level 16 
    • These changes also impact Forging values
  • Arblaster:
    Streamlined and increased Damage and HP scaling on all Unit levels.
    TLDR: More Damage and HP on almost all levels, especially on higher levels!
    • Offense: +17% HP and +20% Dmg per level up on all levels
      • Resulting in more HP on every level up to +45% HP on maximum level 14
      • Resulting in slightly less Dmg on early levels but up to +35% Dmg on maximum level 14
    • Defense: +16% HP and +18% Dmg on all levels
      • Resulting in more HP on every level up to +54% HP on maximum level 14
      • Resulting in slightly less Dmg on early levels but up to +34% Dmg on maximum level 14

  • Uberblaster Elite Boost:
    Increased Damage scaling on all Boost levels
    • Boost level 1 from +10% to +20% Piercing Damage
    • Boost level 2 from +20% to +30% Piercing Damage
    • Boost level 3 from +30% to +40% Piercing Damage
    • Boost level 4 from +40% to +50% Piercing Damage
    • Boost level 5 from +50% to +60% Piercing Damage
  • Ogre:
    Ogre is underperforming, mostly due to a lack of Dmg per second, HP, Attack Rate and Movement Speed.
    Offense & Defense Baseline Attack Rate on all levels increased from 0,3 to 0,5
    • Ogre attacks once every 2sec now, instead of once every 3,34sec
    • Offense: Increased HP and Dmg per level from +10% to +15% from Unit level 7 onwards
      • Resulting in more HP and Dmg on every level, up to +56% HP and +56% Dmg on maximum Unit level 16
    • Defense: Increased HP and Dmg per level from +10% to +15% from Unit level 7 onwards
      • Resulting in more HP and Dmg on every level, up to +53% HP and +56% Dmg on maximum Unit level 16
  • Stunning Ogre Elite Boost:
    Added Blunt dmg scaling on all Boost levels -> Dmg Boost is permanently available
    • Boost level 1 +10% Blunt Damage
    • Boost level 2 +20% Blunt Damage
    • Boost level 3 +30% Blunt Damage
    • Boost level 4 +40% Blunt Damage
    • Boost level 5 +50% Blunt Damage
    • Boost level 6 +60% Blunt Damage
  • Juggernaut War Boost:
    Juggernaut is already stronger because of the Attack Rate increase from 0,3 to 0,5
    Increased Attack Rate and Movement Speed scaling even further on all Boost levels
    • Boost level 1 from +20% to +25% Attack Rate and Movement Speed
    • Boost level 2 from +30% to +40% Attack Rate and Movement Speed
    • Boost level 3 from +40% to +55% Attack Rate and Movement Speed
    • Boost level 4 from +50% to +70% Attack Rate and Movement Speed
    • Boost level 5 from +60% to +85% Attack Rate and Movement Speed
    • Boost level 5 from +70% to +100% Attack Rate and Movement Speed
  • Portal Ogre War Boost:
    • Exchanged Dmg with Movement Speed scaling. Elite Boost has Dmg scaling now and is always available.
      • Boost level 1 +25% Movement Speed
      • Boost level 2 +40% Movement Speed
      • Boost level 3 +55% Movement Speed
      • Boost level 4 +70% Movement Speed
      • Boost level 5 +85% Movement Speed
      • Boost level 6 +100% Movement Speed
    • Increased Portal Duration on all Boost levels by +2 sec on lower and by +4sec on higher Boost levels
      • Boost level 1 from 4 to 6 sec Portal Duration
      • Boost level 2 from 6 to 8 sec Portal Duration
      • Boost level 3 from 8 to 10 sec Portal Duration
      • Boost level 4 from 10 to 14 sec Portal Duration
      • Boost level 5 from 12 to 16 sec Portal Duration
      • Boost level 6 from 14 to 18 sec Portal Duration
  • Werewolf
    Werewolfs are underperforming, mostly due to a lack of Dmg and HP.

TLDR: More HP and Damage from level 5 onwards!

  • Offense:
    • Increased HP per level from +10% to +15% from Unit level 5 onwards
    • Resulting in up to +56% HP on maximum Unit level 14
    • Increased Dmg per level from +10% to +20% from Unit level 5 onwards
    • Resulting in up to +139% Dmg on maximum Unit level 14
  • Defense:
    • Increased HP per level from +10% to +15% from Unit level 5 onwards
    • Resulting in up to +68% HP on maximum Unit level 14
    • Increased Dmg per level from +10% to +20% from Unit level 5 onwards
    • Resulting in up to +135% Dmg on maximum Unit level 14
  • These changes also increase the strength of Rune and Boost effects based on HP and Dmg base values (i.e Blessing Wolf War Boost)
  • These changes also impact Forging values
  • Paladin
    Streamlined and increased Damage and HP scaling on all Unit levels.
    TLDR: More Damage and HP on almost all levels, especially on higher levels!
    • Offense: +18% HP and Dmg per level up on all levels.
      • Resulting in up to +30% HP and +26% Dmg on maximum level 18.
    • Defense: +20% HP and Dmg per level up on all levels.
      • Resulting in up to +18% HP and +47% Dmg on maximum level 18.
    • These changes also impact Forging values

Reduced Cooldowns of all Scrolls and streamlined Gem cost scaling

  • Apocalypse
    • Reduced Cooldown on all levels by -50%
    • Gem costs
      • Level 11 from 11 to 12 gems
      • Level 12 from 12 to 13 gems
      • Level 13 from 13 to 14 gems

  • Heal
    • Reduced Cooldown on all levels by -50%
    • Gem costs
      • Level 11 from 10 to 11 gems
      • Level 12 from 11 to 12 gems
      • Level 13 from 12 to 13 gems
      • Level 14 from 13 to 14 gems

  • Battlecry
    • Reduced Cooldown on all levels by -50%
    • Gem costs
      • Level 1 from 1 to 2 gems
      • Level 2 from 2 to 3 gems
      • Level 3 from 3 to 4 gems
      • Level 4 from 4 to 5 gems
      • Level 5 from 5 to 6 gems
      • Level 6 from 6 to 7 gems
      • Level 7 from 7 to 8 gems
      • Level 8 from 8 to 9 gems
      • Level 9 from 9 to 10 gems
      • Level 10 from 10 to 11 gems
      • Level 11 from 10 to 12 gems
      • Level 12 from 11 to 13 gems
      • Level 13 from 13 to 15 gems

  • Summoning
    • Reduced Cooldown on all levels by -50%
    • Gem costs unchanged

  • Time Warp
    • Reduced Cooldown on all levels by -50%
    • Reduced Gem costs on all levels by -1

  • Armageddon
    • Reduced Cooldown on level 1-6 by -50%
      • Level 7 Cooldown from 40 to 18 sec
      • Level 8 Cooldown from 40 to 16 sec
      • Level 9 Cooldown from 40 to 14 sec
    • Gem costs
      • Level 2 from 12 to 11 gems
      • Level 3 from 14 to 11 gems
      • Level 4 from 15 to 12 gems
      • Level 5 from 16 to 12 gems
      • Level 6 from 16 to 13 gems
      • Level 7 from 16 to 13 gems
      • Level 8 from 17 to 14 gems
      • Level 9 from 19 to 15 gems

  • Portal
    • Reduced Cooldown on level 1 & 2 by -50%
      • Level 3 Cooldown from 30 to 17 sec
      • Level 4 Cooldown from 30 to 16 sec
      • Level 5 Cooldown from 30 to 15 sec
      • Level 6 Cooldown from 30 to 14 sec
      • Level 7 Cooldown from 30 to 13 sec


  • Fixed that in specific situations enemy Units could spawn at the tent 
  • Fixed a bug where the portal duration of the Portal Ogre War Boost did not increase correctly
  • Fixed that when watching videos for Food to start a battle, the battle would already start in the background before the Video was finished
  • Fixed that wrong information was shown when crafting a legendary Insignia
  • Fixed that the cooldown of the Ball Lightning spell reset after the first cast
  • Fixed that some rune effects were still working even though the object was stunned
  • Fixed that Intimidate stayed on the Hero after dying and resurrecting
  • Many smaller fixes

Version 10.4.0 is now available for download. Keep in mind that depending on your platform it can take some time for the Update to appear.

Thank you for your support!

Your Royal Revolt 2 – Team