Dear Kings and Queens,

As we continue our anniversary celebrations, let’s get to know the person that makes the game tick. We invite you to discover Evo, our very passionate game designer.

His craft and dedication to this game are unwavering ten years into Royal Revolt’s existence.

Who are you and what’s your role on the project?

Hi, my name is Evo. I am working as Game Designer for Royal Revolt 2. My tasks are designing and balancing the game, maintaining seasoned features and creating new ones alike. Hero Items, Runes, Spells, Units, Towers, Wars, Conquests, Ninjas, Pals, Mounts, Seasons, Dungeons, Boosts to name a few areas of the game. All of that stuff and more. I also have an eye on the live ops calendar as well as shop offers together with our product manager Sunny.

Do you prefer Science Fiction or Fantasy?

I like both equally. I love escaping into science fiction and fantasy worlds alike. I’m trying not to be dismissive of any genre by default. I will find enjoyment in many genres as long as it’s quality stuff, be it books, games, movies, series, music, etc.

What’s your favorite game of all time?

I have to name two games here. Diablo2 Lord of Destruction and Magic the Gathering. Thanks to these two games, I am sitting right here right now answering these questions. They made me curious to understand game mechanics at a fundamental level. These games made me become a Gamer and, ultimately a Game Designer. They taught me English, I met amazing people through playing them and enjoyed countless hours of entertainment and escapism. I still play both of them and probably will play them for the rest of my life. 

Royal Revolt 2’s in-game music has an undeniable charm. We’re curious to know if you have an affinity for music outside of the game. What’s your favorite record or artist at the moment? 

Big up Sam for creating the RR2 title tracks back in the day. Yes, music plays a big role in my life, I could not imagine life without it. I’ve been collecting and playing music of all sorts since I was a teenager. While I’ve been through pretty much all genres at some point, HipHop, Soul and Funk but especially Reggae and Dancehall are my favorites. That offbeat just hits differently from everything else that is out there. Oh my gosh, favorite records or artists…how much time do you have? It is impossible for me to name just one artist or record here. I am a music addict, a soundman. Music is like an ocean, you can’t drink it in one sip.

Are there any amusing inside jokes that the team has developed from working together on Royal Revolt 2?

In Royal Revolt 2 there is something called the “Beast Boost”. At some point many years ago someone wrote somewhere “the the the Beast Boost”, which was a copy-paste error. We laughed a lot about it and it became the standard for whenever somebody talks about the Beast Boost to triple up on the “the”. Really stupid but also really funny if you use it a lot while talking about the feature. 

Tell us about your journey with Royal Revolt. How did it start and how do you feel about celebrating 10 Years?

Ten years ago I broke my leg skiing in Switzerland. I was in the hospital the week after RR2’s release in 2014, hence I had some time to play it. I did not work on RR2’s development at that time or leading up to it. In 2015 I started as a Quality Assurance tester, a year after the game’s launch, quickly started to take on design tasks and became a full-time designer in 2017. I worked on other projects within the company as well, but always came back to RR2, or never really left it completely. I am proud of being a part of RR2’s rich history and really amazed by the passionate community. Having played some of the same games for over 20 years by now myself, I can really relate to all of the long-term RR2 supporters who stuck with it for all of these years.

Over these past ten years, what has been the most challenging but the most fulfilling feature mode to design?

There were many challenges over the years. One of the biggest ones for sure was and is the Runes feature. I was part of the inception of this feature at its core and all Runes in the game. It was and is quite tricky to find interesting effects for all these Troops, Spells, Towers and Items. Even more so to strike a balance between cool stuff and actual power in battle in this complex game. It is very difficult at times to implement new effects on top of old features that are years old and were not built with something like Runes in mind for example, especially with a small team like ours. We have learned a lot over the years and are continuing to do so.

Where or how do you see the new decade of Royal Revolt 2?

It is quite an accomplishment indeed. For the next few years or even the next decade of RR2, I wish to keep evolving the game. Veterans of the game and new players alike can help shape the future of RR2 together with the Dev team. I think this is the way forward and that there is still so much cool potential still to be explored. Keep going, do more, and do better is my motto here. I will work on RR2 until the sun runs out of hydrogen to burn.

Is there anything you would like to express or share with the dedicated Royal Revolt 2 community that has been supporting the game throughout the years?

I want to share my gratitude with all devoted RR2 community members. Communities shape games and RR2 is no exception. Being a devoted gamer myself I can relate to each and every one of you. I know how it feels to deeply care about a game. Loving it, hating it.  Always thinking about it. Being unable to sleep because of it. Waiting for that next patch. I feel you.

RR2 would be nothing without each and every one of you. We wouldn’t have made it to ten years. TEN YEARS! That’s just crazy! Thank you so much!