Dear Kings and Queens,
🔮 Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power. 🔮Ready for some truly magical rewards and enchanting surprises?
“Season Fourteen: Double, Double, Toil and Trouble” is starting today at 13.00 UTC, with 40 levels and 9 achievements!

- Black Magic: +1 Level
- Necromancer: +1 Level
- Froster: +1 Level
- Snake Tower: +1 Level
- Exclusive Skin for the Necromancer & Froster
- Dark Forest environment active for all battles on the default environment
New Collections:
- 3 new Spell-themed Uber-Item collections
- Necromancer Set Collection (Uber)
- Necromancer Set Collection (Pro)
- New “Horns” collection (Item Collection I)
- Zelos Set Collection
- Yig, Yog Yug Collection
- Necromancer Instatroop-Token Collection
Expanded & Buffed Collections:
- Item Rune Collection I (HP Runes) + 1 Level
- Item Rune Collection II (Leadership Runes) +1 Level
- Item Rune Collection III (Resistance Runes) +4 Level (1 for each Rune type)
- North Pole Set Collection (Pro):
- Reward 2: Blizzard Perk from 250 to 500
- Reward 4: Blizzard Perk from 500 to 750
Magical Market:
- Added Chloris Ring (25.000 Magic Potions, 1x stock)
- New Seasonal offers for the Magic Season
Season Rewards include:
- Several Magic Potion Chests
- Pals: 5x Aki, 3x Niddhog, 3x Janus, 3x Ceres, 3x Phoebe
- Guardians: 3x Yig,Yog,Yug
- Runes: Black Magic, Pyromancer, Bomb Tower & various Item, Spell & Obstacle Runes
- Instatroop-Tokens for Necromancer & Froster + chance to find Instatroop-Tokens for Knight, Archer, Paladin, Froster, Pyromancer, Cultist, Monk & Necromancer in the Endless Reward Area
- Items: Entirely new Pentagram Belt (Uber), Complete Necromancer Set (Pro), Chloris Set (Helmet, Weapon, Ring), parts of the Zelos Set (Pro), several Spell-related Uber-items, Uber- & Pro Item Chests (ranging from 1x to 3x Items), chance to find parts of the Dungeon Set (Uber), Crow Feet (Pro) & Babe (Uber) in the Endless Reward Area
- Colors & Patterns: Magic Pattern (Level 20), Purple Color (Level 20), Book Pattern (Level 150), alternate Purple Color (Level 200), bonus alternate Purple Color (Level ????)
Get your Season Pass today to snatch all of them!