Dear Kings and Queens,
🌩️ Next Season: “In the Eye of the Storm” is starting tomorrow at 13.00 UTC, with 40 levels and 9 achievements! 🌩️

Season Conditions
- Cultist: +1 Level
- Lightning Tower: +1 Level
- Jester Box: +1 Level
- Ball Lightning: +1 Level
- Stun: +1 Level
- Pro-League environment active for all battles on the default environment
- Exclusive Cultist and Viking skin active for all players
Magical Market:
- Plenty of new Seasonal offers for the upcoming Season: G-5000 Guardian, Stormy Lightning Items, a special Dual Profile Color (Black/Yellow), exclusive skins for the Cultist, Jester Box and Archimedes, Rune Removal Token, various Runes & more
Rewards include:
- Several Magic Potion Chests
- Pals & Guardians: Archimedes, Eris, G-5000 and more chance to find various Pals & Guardians in the Endless Reward Area
- Runes: Various Runes for featured Units, Obstacles, Spells & Items
- Various Tokens, including Insta-Troop, reduced Upgrade Time, Phoenix & more
- Items: Viking and Dino Sets Pro, Pro Item Chests & more
- Storm themed Colors & Patterns: Tempest Pattern (Level 21), Light vs Dark Pattern (Level 150), Dual Profile Color (Pink/Yellow) (Level 31), Dual Profile Color (Grey/Yellow) (Level 100)
Get your Season Pass today to snatch all of them! 🎟️